Sunday, December 7, 2008

One bad week

OK, I did it, a week clean. whatever though cause I still feel unaccomplished and nothing is different. I almost smoked today out of spite for the whole thing. But I really want to see what a whole month feels like and mom said she would take me out to get a facial if I Succeed, fuck, it will be a whole new year at that point. Ugh, it's hard, as hard as I thought it would be. I was feeling so good a few days ago, and now my perspective is angry. What's the point of staying sober.

I didn't get out of bed until two today, wrote a paper, and now it's 11:00pm and almost time for bed again. Maybe I am just depressed, or depressed cause I can't smoke weed anymore. I thought I would not be sad anymore when I was sober and I cried all day and my body feels like shit.

I stalked my boyfriends ex on myspace for hours....her friends and family like a total freak. why am I soooooo fucked up and compulsive and well........depressing. its embarrassing that I am so obsessed with her. Of course there is a story behind it...and I guess I will spill it from the beginning.

My boyfriend that I am with now Ryan, took my virginity when I was just about to turn 16. Right after we went downstairs and he was so drunk he lit his cigarette backwards and told me that he "only did that to cheat on his girlfriend". Anne. So he had lost his virginity to her at 14 and her to him. They were on a supposed break when he took mine. We never hooked up again and he went back to her. A few months later she found out about it and called me. I had never spoken to her before, but she made it clear that she was going to ruin my life. So Ryan had called her on threeway and when I got off, I tried to call a friend, and oops, they were still on the line together. He was telling her that I meant nothing blah blah blah.

SO great, I finish high school and go to college. I proceed to get into an abusive relationship and fall head obsessive over heels in love with a boy named John, when he kicked me to the curb I was devastated. I figured the only person that could fix me, or that I wanted was Ryan. I had heard that he was finally out of the relationship with Anne(after 7 years) and was moving back to Oregon. At first I just wanted to sleep with him again to show him that I wasn't that 15 year old girl anymore. So, I went to a party where he was, and with him. It didn't fix me. I had to be his after much stalking and showing up and buying him things....depressing I know.....he dated me. Still not good enough, he had to love me!!! And now he does...and I am not fixed still.

Back to the ex. when I lived at the mountain and Ryan and I were long distance for awhile, she came to visit and "slept on the couch" a mutual friend called me and told me that he thought they fucked, so I called and flipped out, and still believe something happened. I found out later in a drunken fight that they had "talked about getting back together". I know that she cheated on her boyfreind and slept with him when we were first hooking up which was fine cause I was still sleeping with John, and this cowboy Wyatt (who's last girlfriend was playmate of the year 2007) and Ryan whatever, but when she "slept on the couch" we were totally exclusive for 7 months.

I am still unhappy whenever I see this girl, I even invited her to Ryan's suprise party 6 months later and she drove 5 hours to be there (I didn't actually think she would come) and showed up and was all over him and really bugged the shit out of me. I was dancing with a girlfriend and she grabs me and starts dancing with me!! THIS IS THE PIC I HAVE POSTED. So fucking weird and then her best friend put pics up on myspace, and she wrote a comment "what a stupid bitch, I can't believe I danced with her, she looks like such a whore" of course I read it since I am a myspace stalker, and was devastated. My boyfreind commented that she was a bitch, and she actually called me on the phone the next day to say sorry and that at the time she wrote it she thought it "would be funny" she made me promise to hang out the next night. So I did with Ryan and she was all over him , and showing him video's of her making out with her girlfriend...ugh and I just didn't like her at all. by this time she had broken up with her boyfriend in Cali, and was just moved back here....

Anne is not beautiful but the prettiest of her friends, she is short with dark hair, and an OK body. When I saw her last, I was drunk enough to talk to her and we actually had a conversation. She told me that she was a barrista (I acted like i didn't' I wasn't on her myspace a million times a day) and lived at home with her dad, and was happy to be a barrista until she died. Well, I knew that I had won in a way ....I mean to be content with that...and her new car ( A KIA) I mean, I want so much more. I am not saying that she has a bad life, but to not aspire for more, I felt like I had something she didn't. Still, she is cute, and has a new boyfriend, and at the party told Ryan's best friends mom that she was sad she "didn't marry Ryan" but I was looking pretty good, going to grad school, and right now at least Ryan loves me.

So why do I continue to bother myself looking at pictures of her, and even some with her and ryan together from 2006?? I don't understand myself. I thought that the behavior would suddenly stop when I quit smoking because I would have more control over myself. Alas this is not the case.

So I always think that he cheated on me, and even though she has slept with his co-worker, and two of his closest friends since she has moved back to town, well, I still think he loves her.

It really brings me back to the night she "Slept on the couch" He said that he didn't sleep with her because he had me, and she had a boyfriend. I know for a fact that she had cheated on that boyfriend with Ryan in February of that same year, and now it was November so what was stopping her?? Also, he pretty much said that he would have slept with her if he didn't have me, so that means he still wants to fuck her.....he is still attracted to her, and I can see how an old habit would be hard to break considering he had fucked her every time he saw her his whole sexual life! so how do I live up to that??? I fantasize that he thinks of her when he fucks me, even while we are having sex....he used to tell me I am too tall...I am 5'7 she is 5'2. They talked about getting back together that night....did they kiss?? did they in fact have sex?? What fucking happened.

God damnit, writing doesn't seem to be making it any clearer or making me feel any better. I just feel angry and more obsessed than ever. Sometimes when I see her I just want to ask what happened. Drama queen I know, and it's been over a year now so it seems a little late. When I see her I used to get so worked up I would go sit in the car and cry about it, but now I almost look forward to it since I am doing so well (in comparison in my mind) and I can tell she is jelous and I want her to feel like I did when I was 15 and she was with him and I was the outcast. She does have a new boyfriend Richie, and he is basically a loser. When she and I were out for a friends birthday she didn't have a chance to talk to Ryan or me at all because she was hanging all over her own man since she had cheated on him with Ryan's best friend a few nights before. It was a gleefull night for me to say the least. And maybe I am just looking for something to be angry about, something to feel, I guess i enjoy being sad and depressed and obsessed. It is ridiculous and totally silly..

wow, I can really go on and on, but truly this subject takes up about an hour of my day every day, and I wish I could let it go.

It's not like I don't' have an ex myself. In fact John my ex from college still does my taxes and I do talk to him from time to time and I always wonder when I am going to see him "will I still be attracted to him? Do I still want to sleep with him?" Usually when I see him I am thankful that I have Ryan, I wonder if Ryan feels the same when he sees Anne.....I will always wonder. I have beaten the dead horse on this subject with ryan to the point that I can't even bring her up without him getting a little angry. It's really boring to be obsessed. I wish I could stop.

1 comment:

CommiePopRocks said...

i Totally feel for you. i hate being jealous, but i do it all the damn time! I've caught my own boy in bed with an ex,but he still claims they were just hanging out. i get so OCD on their myspaces just want to be sure. i know i do it alot so i don;t get hurt.